Thursday, November 12, 2015


  1. Have the Courage to say no.
  2. Have the courage to face the truth.
  3. Do the right thing because it is right
These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity."
W. Celement Stone 

I think what Stone is trying to tell us is the to have a integrity life you must do these 3 things for the rest of your life. The first one says to have the courage to say no like when your friends want to smoke but you don't want to you have to learn how to say no or else you could be in trouble. You could become a addicted to drugs and you wont have a good carrier in the future. Have the courage to face the truth like when your teacher tells you if you copied and you did copy, what will you tell her no which will just get you in bigger trouble or yes and she will just say well don't do it again. The last one in having an integrity life is do the right things because it's right that is what everyone should be doing choosing the right. 

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